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“Psychoanalysis, Fratriarchy and the Division Between the Sexes”

  • International Psychotherapy Institute 6917 Arlington Road Bethesda, MD, 20814 United States (map)

In person and via live Zoom

Juliet Mitchell FBA is an author, psychoanalyst, socialist feminist and emeritus professor whose work has changed the landscape of both feminist thought and psychoanalytic theory, and remained at the heart of critical thinking for over 50 years. In her most recent book, Fratriarcy: the Sibling Trauma and the Law of the Mother, she juxtaposes Fratriarchy with Patriarchy exemplified by Freud’s notion of a female Oedipus complex.

The International Psychotherapy Institute brings mental health professionals and faculty together to study with international contributors at the leading edge of the field. This weekend conference sees Professor Juliet Mitchell revisiting her bestselling book Psychoanalysis and Feminism fifty years after its original publication. in order to explore how the ideas she developed in 1974 remain central to our understanding of the condition of women today and current state of feminism, as well as to the value of psychoanalytic thinking in political thought and action.

General weekend schedule:
Friday 9:30am – 6:30 pm US ET
Saturday 9:30am – 6:30pm US ET
Sunday 10:00am – 2:00pm US ET

3 October

“Psychoanalysis and Feminism Revisited”

12 April

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